The Penalties You Could Face For Violating Your Parole

Have you ever wondered if your parole officer would come after you if you violated it? In most cases, you probably wouldn’t trust your parole officer to enforce the rules. But when it comes to violating probation, you’re not guaranteed to walk away scot-free.

Here’s a look at some of the penalties that could be imposed against your violation:

You Could Go Back To Prison

Most states have laws that require people on parole to notify law enforcement if they are arrested or charged with a crime. This is so that the department can decide whether or not to revoke your release. In some cases, parole may be revoked even if you have not been convicted of any crime.

If you fail to report an arrest or charge, it will be considered a probation violation and could result in more time behind bars.

The Judge Can Also Order Community Service

Community service is a good way to work off the remainder of your sentence and get back on track with your life.

If you are given probation instead of jail time, the judge will determine how much time you spend in jail and how much time you spend under house arrest or other forms of supervision. If you violate probation, the judge may increase your sentence by up to an additional year.

You Could Be Denied Parole In The Future

You may be denied parole if you’re convicted of another crime while on parole. Parole officers will consider the nature and seriousness of the new offense when deciding whether to grant or deny your request for early release from prison.

If they determine that it’s incompatible with your sentence, they’ll inform you and your attorney of their decision before they make a final ruling on your case.

You May Lose Your Job Or Other Benefits

You may be fired or lose your job if you are convicted of any crime, including a crime that takes place while on parole. In addition, if you are convicted of a sex offense, you may lose the right to work in some fields, such as teaching or law enforcement.

You May Lose Custody Of Your Children

If you have children who are dependent on you for support, they could be taken away from you by the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) if they are put into foster care after being placed there because their parents violated the terms of their parole agreement.

This can happen even if the probation violation occurred before the child was placed with you. DCFS will only take this step once; however, if it does so again within a year of the first time it happened, DCFS will automatically terminate its relationship with both parent and child and place these individuals in foster care until they can be reunited under court supervision.